Use "dishonour|dishonoured|dishonouring|dishonours" in a sentence

1. Have you ever dishonoured the gods?

2. The congressman's corruption dishonoured himself and his family.

3. It's not a dishonour check.

4. There's no dishonour in losing.

5. He chooses death before dishonour.

6. Stealing reflects dishonour on your family.

7. He is dishonoured by a man who ever professed to him.

8. He who does not honour his wife, dishonours himself. 

9. The students should not dishonour their teachers.

10. The choice lies between death and dishonour.

11. Death was considered vastly preferable to dishonour.

12. His behaviour reflects dishonour on his parents.

13. He had to choose between death and dishonour.

14. We had to choose between death and dishonour.

15. The implications of dishonour can be very serious.

16. There was, however, no dishonour in such a defeat.

17. When this happens, they will dishonour their own promises.

18. Do not blacken your fame, and perish in dishonour!

19. 18 She felt herself shut in with her dishonour.

20. Antonyms for Canonizing include abasing, degrading, demeaning, humbling, humiliating, condemning, dishonouring, dishonoring, hating and lowering

21. Better to die in glory than live in dishonour

22. Or what nunnery would take you,[] in your dishonour?

23. Yes, but the dishonour of my family will be avenged.

24. Her actions have brought shame and dishonour on the profession.

25. Synonyms for Attainting include disgracing, shaming, degrading, debasing, staining, tainting, defaming, discrediting, dishonouring and stigmatising

26. Britain's imperial primacy required the subjugation of other cultures and the dishonouring of their gods.

27. Antonyms for Clutched include freed, lost, released, abandoned, broken, dishonoured, dishonored, forgotten, disbelieved and forsook

28. It would dishonour my family if I didn't wear the veil.

29. The real accused was Picquart, who was dishonoured by all the military protagonists of the affair.

30. 28 It would dishonour my family if I didn't wear the veil.

31. Synonyms for Chastened include shamed, humbled, humiliated, disgraced, dishonoured, dishonored, embarrassed, demeaned, degraded and mortified

32. We suspect he means to dishonour the agreement made three years ago.

33. Some of the leaders of the coup took their lives rather than face dishonour.

34. He has brought her kingdom and its princes down to the ground in dishonour.

35. It is illegal to dishonour bookings; that goes for restaurants as well as customers.

36. A cheque may also be dishonoured because it is stale or not cashed within a "void after date".

37. Antonyms for Concuss include dishonour, dishonor, disregard, fine, punish, persuade, aid, allow, assist and discourage

38. Shall I so much dishonour my fair stars, On equal terms to give him Chastisement

39. Antonyms for Canonize include abase, degrade, demean, humble, humiliate, condemn, dishonour, dishonor, hate and lower

40. Synonyms for Abasement include belittlement, humiliation, degradation, disgrace, depression, lowering, mortification, reduction, shaming and dishonour

41. But there is another, more essential respect for nature itself, which we dishonour at our peril.

42. Synonyms for Bad mouth include wrong, malign, misrepresent, mistreat, abuse, harm, hurt, injure, dishonour and defame

43. She analysed each member of this roll of dishonour, looking for the 13 hallmarks of weediness.

44. Had Juliet so seen her love tokens dishonoured the sooner would she have sought the lethean herbs of the good apothecary.

45. Anxious to escape the limelight of dishonour, Cleave returns to live alone in his dilapidated childhood home.

46. He hoped they could come to an arrangement which would prevent the dishonour of his claiming its protection.

47. Notice of dishonour, in order to BE valid and effectual, must BE given in accordance with the following rules.

48. A Cheque will be dishonoured if there are any alterations on it like over writing ,corrections, missing of relevant details etc., Irregular Signature : If the drawer’s signature on the Cheque is different than that of the specimen signature available with the bank then the Cheque will not be aacepted and treated as dishonoured Cheque.

49. 28 It was no dishonour to finish out of the medals in the most memorable 100 metres race ever seen.

50. Though you suffered shame and I was afflicted with sorrow, though I was outlawed and you were dishonoured, joyful vengeance now calls us to happiness!

51. This abdication of responsibility by the politicians in favour of civil servants dishonours the Council and helps to explain much of what is wrong in Europe.

52. Synonyms for 'Backpedal': break, go back on, renege, cry off, back out, fail, duck out of, dishonour, rat on, breach, dishonor

53. This act of gross betrayal and dishonour did not even bring peace , but has brought us to the threshold of war .

54. He may have brought only dishonour to the name of the county but his involvement in the massacre should not be forgotten.

55. Attaint: 1 v bring shame or dishonor upon Synonyms: disgrace , dishonor , dishonour , shame Antonyms: honor , honour , reward bestow honor or rewards upon Types: befoul , defile , foul , maculate spot, stain, or pollute v condemn by attainder “the man was Attainted ” Type of: …

56. Status of the offender: The homicide must be perpetrated by the husband of the adulteress. However, under Kuwaiti law the scope of this mitigating factor extends to include fathers, brothers and sons, since women who commit adultery insult and bring dishonour upon all their family members;

57. When will the appraiser Attest the date of the painting? * Addison ; facts Attested by particular pagan authors * 1599 — Shakespeare, iii 1'' (Act ii in ''First Folio edition) Dishonour not your Mothers: now Attest that those whom you call'd Fathers, did beget you.; To certify by signature or oath

58. He wept for that which had befallen him, but kept his affair secret, so none of his foes might exult over him nor any of his friends be troubled, knowing that, if he disclosed his secret, it would bring him naught but dishonour and Contumely from the folk; wherefore he said in him self,